- John Young Middle School
- Social Studies Resources
Social Studies Resources
Full color physical maps, political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world.
BBC News
The British Broadcasting Network’s (BBC’s) regional news websites have links part way down the page to country profiles. Many of these provide excellent summaries of conflicts within the countries.
Country Reports
Lots of information about 260 countries including government, economy, and culture.
Culture is emphasized in these reports from 187 countries and territories around the world. A great place to find out about life in another country. Additional features include a section on Famous People, a Kids Edition, and a States Edition. Login ID and Password (required if accessing from home) are available from one of the Media Clerks in IMC or from your Social Studies teacher.
Great for trip information to Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, or the Caribbean. Gives historical information as well as local customs, accommodations, and travel tips.
InfoPlease: Countries of the World
Flag, maps, government, history, and links for countries of world.
Visual Geography Series
Your one stop resource for links to country-specific information, up-to-date statistics, photographs and maps you can download into your report, and much more.