I don't know the different CHIRP codes and am unsure of how to enter records into CHIRP.

  • This reference packet contains a cheat sheet for most vaccines codes that school nurses will encounter while entering in records. Most vaccines have multiple products on the market from different manufacturers. If you are unable to determine the vaccine administered by the lot # or other information supplied on the records, please use the following:

    • Hepatitis B: Hep B—adol. or pediatric
    • DTaP: DTaP
    • Inactivated Polio Vaccine: IPV (used exclusively in U.S. after 2000)
    • Oral Polio Vaccine: OPV
    • Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine: MCV4P
    • Tdap: Tdap
    • Hepatitis A: Hep A 2 dose – Ped/Adol

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